Wednesday, May 22, 2024

World Bonsai Day

  By Vijay Chamundeshwari

We had a virtual celebration of World Bonsai Day on 11/05/2024 on Google. There was a very informative talk on Premna by Dr. Yogesh. Here are  the points discussed and do add on.....

1.Premna Microphylla is the best suited variety to form a thick canopy. Sathya mam had shared some cuttings which are the best.

2.What Ravindran Sir has is Premna Odorata - good to form a thick trunk but not for canopy. 

3.We can graft a Microphylla onto an Odarata

4.Serratifolia and integrifolia are other varieties.

5.We also have a varigated one which is pretty but difficult to grow

6.Best suited for ROR

7.Needs to be shaped whyle very young.

8.Soak tobacco in water and spray to get rid of pests.

9.January and February are dormant months.

10.Need to be watered well or else will dry up fast.

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