Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bonsai workshop on April 16, 2011

Month of April appears to be a period of intense learning for the members of Bodhi Bonsai Chennai. This is the second workshop for the month!

Mr Ponnusamy, renowned Bonsai Master and our Patron from Coimbatore demonstrated two styles :

1) Yose–Ue style (forest or group planting) This is a non classical style where any number of similar trees can be used provided they have sympathetic line and different trunk thicknesses. Uneven numbers work best. Species with small leaves are preferred.

2) Saikei – A living landscape of plants and rocks or stones.

Mr Ponnusamy  meticulously created several arrangements, in these styles, for the members. He showed us perfect placement of each component in an appropriate manner to create a natural scenery.

The finale was a desert scene using Yuca plants and rugged sandstones in a large oval tray. I am sure, the participants were spellbound by the sheer beauty of this creation.

The workshop was well attended.

The participants stood in silence for a minute in memory of the lives lost due to the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Our prayers are with the Japanese people.

PS: May I request other members to share their experience and also upload photographs.


  1. The workshop conducted by Mr.Ponnusamy on group planting was truly inspiring.8-9 arrangements were made and each was a masterpiece.Ofcourse the crowning glory was the desert scene using yucca and sandstones.Attending a workshop by a master of Mr.Ponnusamy's stature is an experience which cannot be compared to reading of any number of books on the subject.

  2. Hi i am lookig to buy a Bonsai tree. I am from Chennai. Will you please let me know where can i buy these trees.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I came across a beautiful Bonsai garden in the heart of Chennai!!!
    It is at the Botanical Park ( the erstwhile Woodlands Drive-in near Gemini flyover).
    They have a number of mature Bonsai trees imported recently from China.
    For a moment I thought that I was in a Bonsai garden in the Far East.

  4. hi club

    Please let me know if you are going to conduct training on growing bonsai.I am crazy about having a bonsai garden. Please send me information at 8925757500 Please.

    Gnana Subramanian

  5. can i get plants from you

  6. @Srinivasan T:
    Please contact me over the phone #22592226

  7. @ Srinivasan T
    Mr Srinivasan

    As Bodhi office bearers here is our advice for you on looking for Bonsai plants :
    Bodhi is a registered association and this blog has been setup for its memebrs to exchange ideas . However general Public are requested to contact our President Molly at : 22254482 to get proper guidance our association activities.

    We encourage interested persons to become members of our association in order to be helped to get trained and understand the correct apporach to nurturing Bonsai plants. It is advisable to look for buying plants only after you have been inducted into this art and you have received orientation which is very essential for practising this art .

    Bodhi assoication encourages public to take advantage of its services for learning this art and be guided by all the members without any commercial intent. You are encouraged to contact our association president or any office bearers before you take any independent assistance .
