Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Commiphora Caudata or Kiluvai

 Kiluvai or Commiphora Caudata or Hill mango (Pachai  kiluvai in Tamil) is mainly used for cheap live fencing for agricultural land.

Kiluvai , informal upright style.

It is abundant in Asia. It is a flowering plant belong to 
Frankincense and myrrh family .
Found in  South India and Sri Lanka. It is a small medium 
size deciduous tree.
The tree has smooth succulent bark,which partly flakes 
off with age,giving rise to green and brown patch work.
It’s sap has a strong resinous scent.The tree has many 
medicinal properties . 
Remnants of branches can form a kind of thorns on the trunk.
Flowers have cream yellow pedestal with pink petals. 
Mature fruits are black in colour.
Stem cutting are used for propagation.Growth is during rainy season.

Bonsai style.
Suitable for Informal upright and Forest style.

Mame Literati style.