Monday, October 12, 2020

Penjing and Saikei

 Article by Suchitra.

Pen is a pot or container and  jing means scenery. So, penjing means a potted scenery. Penjing applies to detailed miniature landscapes, which include trees,other plants, rocks, soil, water and miniature figurines of people and animals. 

A brief note  about its  influence on bonsais says about the role travel has played in its growth.

The idea of planting small plants in ornamental pots began in the early 700’s.

After 200 years Buddhist monks brought these  to Japan.The Japanese incorporporated  their cultural imprints formalised, reinterpreted to suit their own highly developed sense of refinement.

 Saikei means a planted landscapes,with miniature living trees,rocks soil,rocks and ground covers.

 Saikei uses a species of  Bonsai plants, where the shape of the ground is important ,whereas in bonsai the shape of the ground is of reduced importance.The representations can evoke a seaside, mountainous, forest or a desert landscape. A Saikei mandates the use of stones and the placement of  trees and roots above the rim of the tray. Wheras in bonsai, stones are used as a base for a tree as in a root over rock style. So Saikei  concentrates on the evocation of a natural landscape rather than on the character of individual trees as emphasised in bonsai.

Saikeis were also used as plant stocks which could be later used as bonsai material. As Saikeis aged, their stock would produce thickened trunks, which could then be used as bonsais.

So Saikeis would be formal, neater, depicting a sense of control with nothing left to chance. An order is imposed on creations and nothing is left to chance.

Penjing,on the other hand,reveals an inner beauty,an essence inherent in nature. Paintings, poetry, calligraphy have all influenced penjings. Sometimes,the main features are rocks and plants are accents only. Penjings use solitary figurines, bridges, pagodas and boats in their designs

Penjing artists exuded a spirit of free expression and bold artistic expression, a liberation from rules and freedom to artistically experiment. Penjing is less concerned with rules,and try to imitate life which is imperfect. Man belongs to and is a part of the natural world but his role is minute.

Thus, both penjings and Saikeis have their own beauty and have greatly influenced the art of Bonsai.

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