Saturday, September 18, 2010

Small is Beautiful: The Bonsai Exhibition

This is an article on the Bonsai Exhibition by the Bodhi Bonsai Association at the Stella Maris College, Chennai.
 Here is a link to the article: Small is Beautiful: The Bonsai Exhibition - by Kavya Ram Mohan

Here is the full text of the article:

The Dept of Botany, in collaboration with Bodhi, the Chennai Bonsai Association, organised an exhibition of Bonsai in the College, on the 18th and 19th of August, 2010. The Association, which is five years old, aims at spreading the art of bonsai by conducting workshops and training programs.
Bonsai is the art of growing dwarfed ornamental varieties of trees or shrubs in small shallow pots or trays by selective pruning techniques. The trees are grown in various styles such as upright, informal upright, slanting, cascade and semi cascade and in sizes ranging from small and medium to large. 

The President of the association, Mr K Sivaji, corrected the general misconception that Bonsai is a form of cruelty towards plants and stated that it was a peaceful hobby and has been practised by people and Buddhists in particular for several hundred years. The Vice President, Ms Suseela also added that it is a great stress buster and that has recently proven to have beneficial medical effects as well.
The exhibition also housed a display of Suiseki, i.e. natural rocks in various different shapes, taken from river beds, waterfalls etc.
The highlight of the event was the workshop conducted on the making of Bonsai. Interested students and faculty members were taught how to make Bonsai and how to maintain it.
Here’s what Anita, from the Literature Department, had to say about the experience – “I have always been interested in Bonsai and the college has provided the perfect opportunity to do so. The types, styles, and symmetry were explained with diagrams.” At the end of workshop, students took home their very own Bonsai plant and a memorable experience!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed my interaction with the young bonsai enthusiasts of Stella Maris.
