Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Controlling snail and slug

Bonsai  plants face a threat during the monsoon from snails and slug. Even though they are good in cleaning environment by consuming decaying matter, they damage  bonsai plants, vegetable and flowering plants, orchid, banana etc. They are active at night, causing severe havoc to the garden.




* Hand collection and destruction will be  effective.

* Cut pieces of papaya stem may be placed to attract and trapping snails.

* Use wet gunny bags and papaya leaves as a bait  to collect them.

* Lime or bleaching powder may be sprinkled on the infected area.

* Common salt may be spread on snails to  kill them.

* A small bowl of beer will attract and kill the slugs.


  1. Useful tips. thank you Molly. I have snails problem with my adeniums.

  2. Thanks Molly :) very useful in this weather!
